There was once a man walking through a beach. He tripped over a lamp. In anger, he turned around and kicked the lamp. A few seconds later, a genie popped out of the lamp. The genie said, "Although you kicked me, I will still grant you three wishes.But, due to your foolishness, I will also give the person you hate the most double what you wish for: your Boss. The man told the genie he accepted. "I wish to be extremely wealthy." The man Said. Sure enough, 4 Million dollars was granted into the bank account. at the same time, 8 million dollars were transferred to the mans boss. "I wish for a sports car." Once again, a sports car appeared in his garage. At the same time, two sports cars where granted to the mans boss. "You have one wish left. Keep in mind, whatever you wish for, your boss will get the double." The man thought a While, then Smiled and said, "I WISH TO DONATE 1 KIDNEY ...."